If you’re looking for a feel good musical that’s pure smiles
and an original score (barring ‘I’m a Believer’ of course) then this is the
show for you.
I’ve seen other reviewers say it’s a little too panto but I
think that’s okay for a show like this. It’s a fairy tale, essentially – a
fairy tale for a modern generation - and since panto is all about the fairy
tales too, I think this fits. So, if you hate panto then this isn’t the show
for you!
It has the hero in Shrek himself, the ‘damsel in distress’
in Princess Fiona (who turns out to be nothing of the sort), the archetypical
panto ‘baddie’ in Farquaad and the side kick in Donkey; All these being staple
characters of the pantomime tradition.
As my first introduction into theatre was panto, I was more
than happy to get lost in this magical and ridiculously silly world and
reconnect with the child who first fell in love with theatre. From the moment
the show began and the colourful story book set opened up I had a beaming smile
on my face which stayed with me after the curtains fell.

Carley Stenson as
Princess Fiona was a surprise to me. Anyone who watched Hollyoaks in the last
few years will know she played Steph – a character who was very much a wannabe
performer who didn’t quite have the skills in singing, dancing or acting. So it
came as quite a shock to witness her doing all three to a high standard –
particularly the singing which she does beautifully. This can only be a
testimony to what a versatile performer she is.
Dean Chisnall is
quite a trooper as Shrek in that rather cumbersome get up – I feel hot just
thinking about having to wear all that padding and make up under the lighting
but Dean shows no sign of discomfort. He gives a strong and assured performance
and is, naturally, the linchpin on which this production balances.
There was one cast member that I felt really let the
otherwise strong team down. Richard Blackwood
as Donkey. He managed to really capture Donkeys irritating side without adding
any of the endearing qualities that Eddie Murphy manages to portray, through
voice acting alone, in the films. He also couldn’t really grasp the accent and
it ended up just sounding quite grating. I’d have really liked to have seen one
of the understudies in this role, which, rather frustratingly, if I’d have gone
on the Saturday would have happened.
I was very impressed with the costumes & make up –
whether that be creating the wooden puppet look for the actor playing Pinocchio
or simply painting on bright and sparkling make up on the witches and fairies.
**Spoiler Alert**
One of my favourite scenic elements happens during a song
that I’ve never been particularly fond of from the Original Broadway Cast
Recording and that’s ‘The Travel Song’. The scene starts of simply with a
rolling painted scene in a pastiche of ‘The Lion King’ behind a sign post in
the centre of the stage. Towards the end of the song Shrek & Donkey stand
in front of this signpost and it the platform splits and lifts, creating 2
pillars stage left and stage right with a rope bridge stretching between them.
It’s still quite a technically simple achievement but it’s visually pleasing
and works well.
**End Spoiler**
My very favourite scenic element, though, has to be the
dragon puppet. It’s a huge puppet that took four people to manoeuvre and
control it. I was quite mesmerised by the lead puppeteer (who, it seems from
the programme is the puppet himself – Pinocchio – played by Jonathan Stewart) who has to lead the
dragon and control the mouth movement and the blinking. It must have taken some
rehearsal to coordinate this scene.
Talking of the dragon’s scene – the song has been changed
from the Broadway version. ‘Donkey Pot Pie’ is gone and a song called ‘Forever’
takes its place. ‘Forever’ is a much better song, in my opinion, showing off
the singers range and skill. It was difficult to pick up the lyrics, however,
as there seemed to be a general problem with sound levels with the orchestra
often drowning out the singing.
There’s also been another change to the score – ‘Build a
Wall’ has been cut completely which I was quite disappointed about as I like
this song but they must have had their reasons and it isn’t really a song to move the story forward – it’s more
about Shrek having a sulk.
I was really looking forward to seeing ‘Freak Flag’ being
performed by all the fairy tale characters as this is my favourite song from
the soundtrack and they all performed it perfectly. It was so energetic,
powerful, bright and colourful. I do wonder if Pinocchio is ever tempted to
replace ‘stand up to Farquuad’ with ... ... well I’m sure you can figure that
out. If not, click here. I know that’s what I sing when I sing along in the
I also have to mention a nice little touch before the show
began. An announcement came over the tannoy in the voice of the Fairy
Godmother. She said she has three wishes before the show can begin (1) no
photography (2) turn of mobile phones and (this
last one I loved) (3) please unwrap any noisy sweets before the show begins.
I’ve never heard this asked at another show and yet it’s one of the main pet
peeves of theatre goers. It was such a
cleverly non-confrontational way of asking too, which given the nature of this
show, could only be done at Shrek the Musical.
While this show may not completely blow you away, it’ll
certainly leave you with a huge smile & a feeling of lightness (lightness
from woes, hopefully, not gas - though maybe both if you decide to join
in with the fart-off in ‘I Think I’ve Got You Beat’).
Shrek the Musical is currently at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane. Please visit the website http://www.shrekthemusical.co.uk/ for more information & to book tickets.
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